Woah- where did the time go? It's been 7 months since I last posted anything. I'm terrible. But I had good reason to forget about my blog for a little while: Antonio gave me a new iPhone for my birthday in April and I must admit I began to bring my camera less often and check out apps more often. Foodspotting and Instagram specifically. Thus I abandoned this poor blog - until I found out today that I can now blog from my phone. How great is technology!
As the wise (ass) Ferris Bueller once said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I'd like to dedicate this blog post to all my friends who have been concerned about me recently. You see, I got into an accident at Republiq Halloween night. I have been a ledge girl since I was 14 (oh Faces, I remember you so dearly) and on Halloween night, just like on some occasions in the past 2 years, I went up on the ledge. I hadn't even been there very long nor was I dancing before I felt people on the ledge pushing for space. Next thing I knew, Antonio and I were falling and I just braced myself for the floor. As L helped me up I saw that my leg had a HUGE gash in it, enough to make me panic. Apparently i had hit the glass and marble cocktail table while Antonio hit the couch. A bouncer carried me through then costumed crowd to a quiet part of the club and people surrounded me wondering what to do. I wanted to get to the hospital, PRONTO! I didn't want anyone touching it. L told me later on that even the girl from Resort's World medical clinic got shocked from the severity of my gash. How do you put a Band-Aid on the Grand Canyon?
I don't remember this part (maybe because I couldn't stop crying) but they wheeled me down via wheelchair and put me in A's car and Tim's driver drove me to the nearest hospital, St Luke's at Bonifacio Global City.
Some pain killers, a spinal tap and 3 hours of surgery later, I was all stitched up - later when I saw it counted 36 outer stitches - and on my road to recovery.
Antonio and I didn't get to go on our quiet vacation to Bohol that we had planned out and paid for.
Today is day 13 post operation. I am healing slowly and have been praying the rosary everyday since my accident.
Aside from prayer, it is my friends and family who have been keeping my spirits up this whole time. Kate and Marty brought Antonio and I noodle soup the first night in the hospital (hospital food sucks no matter how gourmet it seems). And the first thing Kate said was, "Where are your flowers? Has anyone from Republiq come to visit you?" Alas, no one had.
Marga, who had left for Hong Kong earlier that day, had texted she would get in touch with GP Reyes and let him know what happened. Since then they have sent their GM Will Valentino to see me at home and have expressed they will help pay for all my medical expenses, for which I am extremely grateful.
To promote healing and to prevent infection, I have to stay off the leg as much as I can and keep it elevated when possible. After all this time of being at home I still have to wait as I heal ever so slowly but am quite eager to get back to normal activities.
Here are some care packages that my friends have brought me these past 13 days. Thank you so much for all your well wishes and for keeping me company at home. Telling stories and lots of laughter really are the best medicine. Your thoughtfulness will be remembered always!
Santi's gift basket from Republiq management. My mom's favorite thus far |
Chihuahua extravaganza from Elian Habayeb and Ines Cabarrus:
Nachos Grande, Quesadilla and Cincinnati Chili Spaghetti |
Mary Grace cheese rolls, DVDs and scar bandages from Joey and Amanda Carpo |
Feel good make-up from Cessie Colayco |
The Lover's Dictionary, Soy Crunch and Kisses from Marga Cobarrubias (Enzo confiscated a bag of the Kisses). When she asked me what I wanted, I said anything chocolate!!!
Slice cupcakes from Marga Cobarrubias, yes she is a spoiler |
Flowers, Preview, assorted cookies and my favorite junk food from my Antonio (the Cherry Garcia is long gone baby!) |
Healthy options of buko juice and apples from Antonio to counteract the other junk hehe |
Cheetos and MEGA from Leah de Guzman, a bite and bit of fashion |
Pili nut confections and Conti's Food for the Gods from Miriam Quiambao |
Chocolate heaven from Jackie Antonio (those crepes are DEADLY!) |
B making my dream come true: Ukkokei Butter Miso for the soul. Love you Kate Moynihan!!!
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